Rewe to cut salt, sugar in own-label lines | Progresiv

German retailer Rewe Group has launched a programme with the aim of reducing the amount of salt and sugar in private-label products sold at its Rewe and Penny stores. Rewe to cut salt, sugar in own-label lines

The retailer is following the recommendations of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (German Society for Nutrition) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for reducing the amount of salt and sugar consumed by customers. Experts have shown a direct link between high sugar and salt consumption and health issues such as high blood pressure and obesity.

The retailer’s first steps involve the classification and prioritisation of selected products, such as dairy, ice cream, cereals, bread and drinks.

“We plan to develop private-label products and their recipes in a way that ensures a reduction of salt and sugar without a significant change in the product’s smell and taste," said Dr Klaus Mayer, head of Rewe Group’s quality management. "This can be achieved through both a change in the production process and the use of different spices or fruit components.”

Rewe Group says that its focus is on the long-term nature of its salt- and sugar-reduction programme, since tastes can only be changed over a long period of time.

“We did not set a specific percentage that we want to reach. We want to give our customers time to adjust to the changed recipes and have already made progress with bread and rolls,” said Mayer.

Baked products play a significant role in consumers' daily salt intake. Around one third of the bakery items produced for Rewe and Penny are already fulfilling the WHO recommendation of 1.2 grams of salt per 100 grams of bread. Rewe Group’s bakery is currently undergoing a process of re-examining its recipes and reducing the salt content of the product ranges by a further two thirds. (

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