Orkla expands in Greece, Sweden and Portugal with acquisitions | Progresiv

The company is buying a majority stake in Greek ingredients firm Stelios Kanakis Industrial and Commercial (Kanakis), alongside the purchase of Sweden’s Lecora and a minority investment in the owner of Portugal-based Captain Kombucha. Orkla expands in Greece, Sweden and Portugal with acquisitions

Founded in 1985, Kanakis produces confectionery, bakery and ice cream ingredients. Last year, the firm had a turnover of 20.2 million euros. Orkla has entered into an agreement to buy the company through its Orkla Food Ingredients subsidiary.

“Kanakis has a leading position in our core categories, in addition to a broad-based network of customers and suppliers who are well-known to Orkla Food Ingredients,” said Johan Clarin, Orkla Food Ingredients CEO. “The company is well-positioned in a region that is seeing good growth.”

Meanwhile, through its Orkla Foods Sverige subsidiary, Orkla has signed and completed an agreement to purchase Lecora, a Swedish manufacturer of frozen and chilled foods and ready meals.

Headquartered in Vadstena, the company had a turnover of 10.3 million dollars in 2018, which was primarily generated in Sweden.

Finally, Orkla has signed and completed an agreement to purchase 43.5% of the shares of Portuguese company Asteriscos e Reticências, producer of fermented tea-based health drinks that are sold under the Captain Kombucha brand.

Captain Kombucha was established in 2016 and is headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal. The business is currently owned by the two founders (85%) and the German venture capital firm Doehler Ventures (15%), which is financed by the ingredients manufacturer Doehler. After completion of the transaction, the founders will retain an interest of 48.5%, and Doehler will reduce its ownership share to 7.9%.

Last month, Orkla announced that its CEO, Peter Ruzicka, will step down from his role this May after more than five years in charge. The company’s operating revenue in 2018 grew by 3% to 4.8 billion dollars. (www.foodbev.com)

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