Müller to invest 100 million pounds in its UK yogurt and dessert business | Progresiv

Müller will invest 100 million pounds over the next three years to develop, manufacture and market a new generation of yogurt and desserts products, made from milk produced by British farmers. Müller to invest 100 million pounds in its UK yogurt and dessert business

Aiming to strengthen its leadership in parts of the category where it is currently present, Müller will also introduce new branded and private label products where it is currently absent.

The company plans to further grow and innovate its brands such as Müllerlight, Müller Corner and Müller Rice, aiming to ‘broaden their usage occasions and availability’.

Müller will also build on its licensing agreement with Mondelēz to develop its range of Cadbury products, including entry to new segments of the desserts sector.

To accommodate its plans, capacity at its three sites in Shropshire will be further upgraded, including doubling the size of the Telford facility by 2020. Müller will also increase its marketing spend by almost 25% over the next three years.

The company has identified a potential 233 million pounds growth in the UK yogurt and desserts category by 2020, as it brings ‘excitement, innovation and new products’ to the market. 

Already this year, Müller has introduced a range of Big Pot yogurts, its first ever whipped fat-free Greek-style yogurt and its first branded shareable dessert.

Last week it announced the arrival of Müller White Velvet, and two Müller Corners with spoons were introduced in July to target the growing food-to-go market.

Managing director of Müller Yogurt & Desserts Bergen Merey said: “This unprecedented level of investment will ensure that we can offer an increasing portfolio of great yogurt and desserts products made in Britain with milk from British farmers, which meet the needs of our customers.

“Müller’s approach in the UK within the yogurt and desserts and milk and ingredients sectors is to grow our capabilities so that we can reduce the UK’s dependence on imported dairy products, and build a vibrant future for the British dairy industry.” (www.foodbev.com)

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