Lidl Slovenia commits to sugar and salt reduction | Progresiv

Lidl Slovenia has committed to reducing the content of added sugar and salt in its private label products by 20% by 2025. Lidl Slovenia commits to sugar and salt reduction

The goal will be met gradually and achieved in close cooperation with the retailer's suppliers, with whom the retailer will prepare concrete measures.

Together with the Society for Cardiovascular Health of Slovenia, Lidl has prepared various activities to raise awareness of a healthy diet with less sugar and salt, thus actively participating in the preventions of diseases cause by this.

Lidl Slovenia instigated various measures to reduce the content of added sugar and salt several years ago. One of the examples of good practice in this area is the Lidl private label meat product Sveže Meso, which now contains 100% minced meat without any additives (salt and the like).

Its Crownfield Choco Hoops brand has reduced the sugar content of the product by more than 25%. Since 2008, the proportion of salt content of its Trattoria Alfredo frozen pizzas has also been reduced (from 1.65g/100g in 2007 to 1.23 g/100 g today).

Lidl Slovenia has also partnered with Slovenia’s Society for Cardiovascular Health Slovenia to raise awareness of healthy eating and a healthy selection of products, both among customers and employees. A heart sign denominates food products with beneficial nutritional properties (eg. low amounts of fat, saturated fat, salt, sugar, a lot of dietary fibre in food). (

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