Henkel increases full-year turnover forecast | Progresiv

For the first time ever, Henkel will pass the fifteen billion euro turnover milestone for the first nine months of the year. The company will also increase its turnover and profit forecast on the back of these excellent performances. Henkel increases full-year turnover forecast

Henkel has continued its rise in the third quarter: its autonomous turnover (excluding acquisitions and exchange rate fluctuations) has grown 3 % to 4.981 billion euro. For the first time ever, Henkel’s turnover exceeded 15 billion euro in the first three quarters of the year, up 9.3 %. Its growth is partially thanks to its successful acquisitions (Darex Packaging Technologies, Sonderhoff Group and Nattura Laboratorios).

Its EBIT also reached a record 18 % to 897 million euro, while it also posted a 2.66 billion euro operational profit in the first three quarters, up 10.5 %. Net profit in the January – September period grew 7.4 % to 1.79 billion euro, despite a slight 2 % profit drop in the third quarter.

Despite the global currencies’ increased impact, the German multinational confirmed its full-year turnover forecast. “We continue to expect organic sales growth of 2 to 4 percent on group level and an increase of our adjusted EBIT margin to more than 17.0 percent. For adjusted earnings per preferred share we now expect an increase of around 9 percent”, Henkel CEO, Hans van Bylen (from Belgium), said.

The company expects “the overall volatile and uncertain market environment to continue. Currency effects will have an increasingly negative impact. The difficult conditions in the consumer goods markets are likely to persist. We are fully committed to continue our successful development and implement our strategic priorities”, Van Bylen added. (www.retaildetail.eu)

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