GERMANY: Metro AG to expand online grocery collaboration | Progresiv

METRO Germany and have signed a cooperation agreement with a term of five years and an extension option. The two companies, which have been successfully cooperating since 2016, thus create the basis for the further roll-out of in Germany. GERMANY: Metro AG to expand online grocery collaboration

The online supermarket currently supplies more than 10,000 items from fresh fish, fruit, vegetables, delicacies to household items from the METRO range. At the customer's request, the online retailer can also access the complete range of the local METRO wholesale market, which comprises an average of around 50,000 items. With its logistics partner DHL, the company delivers its products to the door in 90 minutes or at the desired time.

With the new cooperation agreement, has obtained the exclusive rights to open Germany-wide branch offices at the locations of the METRO wholesale markets for this new business model, thus enabling it to push ahead with its planned nationwide roll-out. Over the next two to three years, the company plans to be represented at around 24 METRO locations and from there to develop the surrounding cities and regions. (

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