European consumers find information online before shopping: IRI | Progresiv

A growing number of European shoppers are using the internet to find information on promotions and offers before they do their groceries, according to a survey by market research group IRI. European consumers find information online before shopping: IRI

Over a third of consumers said they find information online, with 34% searching before they shop, and 36% doing so while they shop. Almost two thirds (65%) of these shoppers said they have saved money with these efforts. "There is clear evidence that shoppers are carefully planning what they buy to save money as well as ensure that they are buying the healthier food options that they desire," said Livio Martucci, director at IRI.

"Increased demand for healthier food options such as vegan or gluten free and concern about food provenance is clearly of key importance for Infoseekers. Further, they may also be looking to reduce waste for cost and environmental issues.”

Of the 36% of European shoppers who use their smartphones in store, 17% are looking for promotions, 16% are searching for information about products, and 12% are using digital coupons.

According to IRI, Southern Europeans are more active infoseekers, with 45% of Greeks, 39% of Spanish, and 33% of Italians regularly using the internet to find information before shopping.

Most shoppers (84%) prepare a list to help save money, however, only 10% of shoppers across Europe write theirs on a digital device.

According to the survey, 34% of European grocery shoppers have used the internet for their shopping at least once in the last year.

However, 37% of shoppers said they were unlikely to buy online. More than half prefer to see and touch products in store rather than shopping online, and 28% of consumers believe that it is easier to compare prices in store.

“Shoppers are saying that they still prefer to be in store to see and touch products," added Martucci.

"There is a big opportunity for retailers to improve the physical experience in store and help shoppers to locate the best offers. Further, online retailers might consider making changes that make it easier for internet users to compare prices, find promotions and new product launches.” (

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