Auchan Retail to open My Auchan stores in Ukraine | Progresiv

Auchan Retail Ukraine, part of France’s Auchan Holding, in July 2018 would open first proximity stores under the My Auchan brand in Ukraine, where Click and Collect points would be installed. Auchan Retail to open My Auchan stores in Ukraine

“Creating a multi-format, responsible and innovative enterprise, Auchan continues its expansion into Ukraine. Now the company has 22 hypermarket and superstore formats and will soon open the first proximity stores under the My Auchan brand to become even closer to customers and accompany them every day,” the company said in a statement.

According to it, the stores, which now operate under the sign of Topmart, require a temporary cessation of activity with the aim of restyling and updating them. So, the Topmart shop at 6A, Williams Street, is closed for restyling on 21 June, the second following on July 5.

The press service said that stores My Auchan will include their own cooked products, baked products and a cafe.

“In addition to a broader and more diverse range of products, there will also be free Wi-Fi and mobile charging points in the shops. Another feature of My Auchan stores will be the Click and Collect goods outlet, which will allow customers to order online the entire nonfood range of goods represented in the Auchan hypermarkets and get them in their proximity shop,” the company said. (

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