Amazon confirms its supermarket ambitions, for France too | Progresiv

Amazon once again confirms its food distribution ambitions, this time through French CEO Frédéric Duval. The American online giant is eager to launch its grocery service in France as well. Amazon confirms its supermarket ambitions, for France too

Food and fresh food distribution is an important growth area for amazon, according to Duval’s interview with Journal du Dimanche. Ever since Amazon Fresh launched in the United States, back in September 2016, it has received the company’s backing. The Whole Foods acquisition was another sign of its ambition, the CEO for France said.

Amazon is raring to go in France, he said, although he did add that it will take its time and that the move will require considerable investments. Nevertheless, it seems to be moving in the right direction: supermarket group Système Uannounced last week that it is talking to Amazon about a possible collaboration.

French Minister of Finance, Bruno Le , also said in the same paper that Amazon and several French companies in the food industry are talking to each other. He welcomes Amazon to France, especially considering the fact that the American tech giant plans to hire 2,000 new employees this year, on all levels and for an unlimited amount of time.

Ever since Amazon came to France in 2010, it has already invested 2 billion euro according to its own statements. It also recently came to an agreement with the French treasury, after it had said that the American company evaded taxes, demanding nearly 200 million euro.

As people wait for a real online grocery service which includes fresh food, Duval says that people can already sign up for subscription service Prime to get products and Amazon Prime Now if they want speedy deliveries in the Parisian area. (


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